Reward Probabilities on Bus Trips

In My Talking Tom Friends you can get random rewards by going on a Bus Trip. To go on a Bus Trip you have to spend bus tokens or coins, or watch a video ad.

Bus Trips are accessed by tapping the bus in the backyard.

You will always receive 5 rewards on a Bus Trip: 1 non-consumable item (clothing, furniture, props), and 4 consumable items (coins, food, seeds, medicine, prop parts). There are three rarities of non-consumable item: common, epic, legendary.

1 of the 4 consumable items will always be coins. The other 3 consumable items will be either food, seeds, medicine or prop parts, with an even chance of receiving each.

Here are the probabilities of receiving each rarity of non-consumable item:

CommonUp to 80%
EpicUp to 17,5%
LegendaryAt least 2,5%

Please note that if you receive a non-consumable item that you already own, you will automatically receive a consumable item instead.